To collect information on current career guidance strategies in the target population, the Self-Guidance Questionnaire (Spanish form) has been administered to students of the Spanish school Colegio Los Pinos de Algeciras. A total of 331 students participated in this survey, aged between 12 and 18 years old. Our sample was composed of 182 males (55 %) and 144 females (45%).
Data showed that: (1) more than 95% of the students are projected to continue studying after school; (2) more than 90% of the students will choose himself the career; (3) no differences were observed as a function of the Gender; (4) the information sources more consulted were: Family, Internet, discussion with workers and professors at school; (5) the skills more recognized were: Flexibility, team work and initiative; (6) the Subject in which participants declared to be more skilled were: Math, Language, Science Sports and History; (7 ) Gender differences were observed on subjects like Math, Sports and Geography (males scores more); and also on Works: Construction, Computer Science, Engineering, Mechanical (males scores more) and Tourist-Hotel (females scores more).
Data also showed that most the preferred professions are: Police, Lawyer, Engineer and Professor, and the most frequent considered characters are: Cristiano Ronaldo (professional footballer) and Albert Einstein (Physician).
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