G-Guidance is an ERASMUS+ financed project that proposes an innovative career guidance methodology to be used in school setting.
This methodology is based on the combination of evidence-based career guidance models and methods and a gamified digital platform, that will make career guidance more appealing and motivating for youths (13 and 17 years old).
This platform can be considered as an useful and updated instrument of self-development and career management for students, as well as an important professional tool for school psychologists and educators to help students to develop, manage and expand their careers. Our approach to career guidance is also intended to promote inclusion, by using familiar and widely popular digital resources, like the web-based platform, to engage unmotivated, detached, unsuccessful and/or at risk students, thus contributing to decrease the probability of early school leaving, low academic achievement and potential unemployment issues in the future, connected with low qualifications.
Psychologists, teachers and parents, also beneficiaries of the project, will get specialized training in order to be able to actively participate and support young people in their career guidance process, using the gamified digital platform as a vehicle to expand and upgrade career guidance to higher levels of efficacy and usefulne