University Institute of Maia
ISMAI is the 2nd largest private HEI in Portugal. It has more than 250 staff members and 4,000students, and offers a wide range of 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle programmes in the fields of Social andBehavioural Sciences, Business Sciences, Physical Education and Sports Sciences, CommunicationSciences and Information Technologies.Infrastructures include specialized laboratories, centres, offices and sports facilities that support bothteaching and scientific research activities.
A new state-of-the-art sports complex with 17,000m2 hasopened in 2016. This complex will not only benefit students and staff of the sports department, but also the whole academic and local community that can profit from it with the support of our sport teams and our physical condition labs.
Freixo School Cluster
Freixo School Cluster is a public school, founded in 1986, situated in the northern region of Portugal,in the municipality of Ponte de Lima. It consists of 1 Kindergarten and 2 Primary Schools and 1Secondary with 700 students, serving a population of more than 7000 inhabitants and is also thelargest employer (65 teachers; 35 non-teaching staff).
Due to this region severe economic difficulties(70% of students are from low income families), Freixo School Cluster assumes the leadingreference in its field regarding education, sports, cultural and technological experiences.
Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia – UNED
The National Distance Education University (UNED) has as its mission the public service of highereducation through the modality of distance education. At more than 205,000 students, UNED has thelargest student population in Spain and is one of the largest universities in Europe.
Since 1972,UNED has sought to translate into action the principle of equal opportunity in access to highereducation through a methodology based on the principles of distance learning and focused on theneeds of the student.UNED is the leader in the implementation of cutting edge technologies applied to learning, with thelargest offer of virtual courses in Spain.
School Los Pinos
The School “Los Pinos” is a private educational Centre, financially supported by Spanish Ministry ofEducation, located in the northern area of the city of Algeciras (Spain). It has developed anoutstanding teaching work since 1967. This school includes pre-school (3 years), primary (6-11years) and secondary educational (12-16) and Bachelor (17-18 years). It also has educationalprograms for Professional training in Sports Sience.
At present, it has almost a thousand students.A broad and very professional human team, of about sixty people, seeks to maintain andpermanently improve the levels of excellence of its educational project.The School “Los Pinos” also coordinates the participation of families, students, teachers and otherstaff that makes up our Educational Community to ensure the educational style.
New Bulgarian University
New Bulgarian University (NBU) is a modern university of great national significance actively participating in international university networks. It is the first and the biggest private university in Bulgaria. Founded in 1991 in response to the need for a new liberal education model, the university has initiated substantial reforms in Bulgarian higher education.
The academic profile of NBU highlights social sciences and humanities, natural sciences, new technologies and arts. The university offers alternative programs and practice-oriented education encouraging students’ free choice and attracting outstanding individuals as its faculty. Annually, 12 000 students and single-course students study at NBU.
NBU coordinates and is a reliable partner in many research and applied projects.
The motto of NBU is “Ne varietatem timeamus” –
“Let’s not fear diversity”
23 SU High School
23rd High School, Frederic Joliot-Curie” is a public high school founded in 1950 and located in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. The mission of the school is to provide students with high quality education which places a strong emphasis on traditional values, tolerance and respect for other people.
Currently, the school offers education to 925 students in different levels. The age range of the students is between 7 and 19 years old. They can choose between general educational programs and ones that include folklore dance classes. The students in the higher levels of education can choose between entrepreneurship and French language classes.
The mission of the school would be impossible to achieve without the staff of the school. 87 teachers, 3 psychologists and 13 supporting staff work in 23rd High School. They are highly qualified and open to using new approaches and methods in the educational process.
University Campus Rio Patra
.The University of Patras ( was founded in the city of Patras in 1964 and it began functioning in the Academic year 1966-67. It currently employs 672 Faculty members, 155 Scientific staff members, 368 Administrative staff members and 2742 Researchers (as of 01.2017). It comprises 5 Schools with 24 Departments in total, offers 24 Undergraduate Programs of Studies, 45 Postgraduate Programs of Studies, 2284 Digital Courses and 251 Open Courses (as of 09.2015).
The University of Patras (UPAT) has a great number of research, teaching and training links that support opportunities of creating successful collaboration with Institutions and Research Centres around the world. More than 400 agreements in 55 countries offer choices to strengthen mobility activities for Education, Training, Youth and Sports within the Erasmus+ Program by providing linksbetween academic life and employability, by enhancing innovation and excellence in a campus which is international, vibrant and varied according to the principles of Internationalization.
Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras
Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras is one of many schools that operate under the the “Society for the Promotion of Education and Learning” (in Greek “Filekpedeftiki Etaireia”), the facilities of which are situated across the vicinity of Greece in locations such as, Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Ioannina and also Tirana (Albania).
The Secondary Education Schools of “The Society for the Promotion of Education and Learning” were recognized as equivalent to the State Schools for the first time in 1861, and in 1936 they were incorporated in the workforce of the State Teaching Academies.
University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
The University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (ex Second University of Naples) is an Italian public medium-sized University founded in 1991 in Napoli for research and high education; it derived by splitting from the Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” (established by the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Frederick II on June 5, 1224) in order to relieve the pressure on the older university and improve the students/professors ratio. Currently, the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” is constituted by 18 Departments, which are involved in both research and education in the main fields of Psychology, Law, Political Sciences, Business Administration, Humanities, Engineering, Architecture, Medicine and Natural Sciences. The offered courses are attended by approximatively 23.000 students.
Liceo Scientifico Statale Giordano Bruno
The Liceo Scientifico Statale “Giordano Bruno” is a public high-school founded in 1989 and located in Arzano, a municipality in the Metropolitan City of Naples, in the Italian region Campania, located
about 9 km north of Naples. The school derived by splitting from the Liceo Scientifico “Renato Caccioppoli” of Naples. Currently, the high-school “Giordano Bruno” is constituted by four educational training paths: (1) Science (“scientifico”), (2) International languages (“linguistico”); (3) Human science (“scienze umane”); and (4) Artistic (“artistico”). The offered courses are attended by approximatively 1379 students aged between 14 and 18 years.
The high-school “Giordano Bruno” collaborates with the Department of Psychology of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” since several years, and is involved in different national and international research/intervention projects