G-Guidance project is deep in its implementation phase in Portugal.

Our project has hit the piloting stage and work is under way on our school partner Agrupamento de Escolas de Freixo (AE Freixo). Which means a lot of fun activities that will help students to unwrap their futures are being implemented. Career guidance from our perspective should be proactive, fun, engaging and inclusive, meaning that the whole process should include not only the students, but also teachers, school psychologists and teachers, working as unit with one single goal, help students to build a career (or life) plan, prepare and empower them with the skills that will make them ready to deal with modern day work market.

And for that purpose we designed a specific career guidance process, which includes an innovative digital tool, our G-Guidance platform, which will allow all these agents to connect and cooperate. And students can enjoy career guidance activities, both in sessions at school and at home also.


Career guidance activities started with an information session for parents, about how all the process worked, to get them onboard since day one, as their support and engagement is a fundamental part of our project’s perspective on career guidance. Parent support and active involvement is important for student’s motivation to do career guidance.


G-Guidance career guidance combines more conventional good practices from school psychologists, with digital-based, multimedia supported, materials, that make career guidance more interesting for students, and allows them to integrate technology into their career construction.

Important career guidance activities like the ones dedicated to self-exploration and vocational identity development are executed using different techniques, allowing psychologists methodological flexibility and variety, with positive impact on their ability to involve different types of student, whether they are more or less motivated in the beginning.

Feedback has been very positive until now from students, as they have a different perspective on career guidance and get inspired to unwrap their future.

For more information about the project, visit our website and social media!