Rita Massaro1, Carla Nasti1, Alessandro Lo Presti1, Roberto Marcone1, Ida Sergi1, Gaetana Affuso1, Lucia Ariemma1, Gennaro Cordasco1, Anna Esposito1, Maria Bianco2, Alessandro Mercogliano2, Massimo De Pasquale2, Mariateresa Pavone2, Vincenzo Paolo Senese1
1Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
2Liceo Scientifico Statale “Giordano Bruno”, Arzano (Napoli)
Career choice is a very important decision in individuals’ lives as it can affect the well-being of individuals and society. Based on these considerations, in the preliminary phase of the G-Guidance project (, the research team involved in the project collected data with the aim to describe which preferences and factors determine career choices in European adolescent and investigate gender differences that have been previously described in the literature. To this aim, a sample of 430 Italian students (13-20 years; 66.7% females) from the Italian school involved in the project, Liceo Scientifico Statale “Giordano Bruno” (Arzano – Naples), was recruited and was administered a questionnaire that investigated: plans after school, perceived control of the career choice, sources information considered, self-reported skills, the working area of interest and the perceived importance of guidance information. Results showed that most students (>86%) declared that they will continue studying after school and choose by themselves the career. The more frequently consulted information sources were the internet, professionals and family, and that the more frequently self-reported skills were autonomy and team working ability. Moreover, data showed gender differences in self-reported skills, the working area of interest and perceived importance of guidance information. Males reported to have more self-esteem than females, but the opposite pattern was observed for initiative, precision and attention to details. Males are more oriented to work in the scientific field, whereas females are more oriented to the social field. Finally, females evaluated guidance information as more important than males. Results confirmed the relevance of sex differences in career choices and supported the importance and need of tailored career guidance activities to promote a better adjustment.
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