G-Guidance Project’s main objective is to make career guidance more engaging, fun and dynamic as possible for students, while maintaining the quality of the process. This means combining new and innovative ways of presenting the information with valid, trustworthy and useful information about courses, professions, career paths, vocational activities. To this end, the G-Guidance team is currently developing a multimedia professions guide, that will be included and available online, through the G-Guidance platform, for all the students, parents, teachers and school psychologists to use on career development. This guide will have useful information about specific professions, from what courses and training to do to reach it, to pros and cons of a certain profession, to allow students to make their career choices well informed. And all this information will be on a video interview format, where selected professional will talk about what they do and their experience and path until they reached their desired profession. The video will be edited in a familiar format (similar to Instagram and Tik Tok kind of video format) to allow students to quickly and easily adapt and focus on the information to be assimilated. The videos will have additional information on text and image format to support and give more specific information about the professions, complementing the interview. With our professions guide, that is currently being developed, we hope to make career exploration more fun, dynamic and familiar to students, thus increasing the likelihood of retaining their interest and attention to important career information
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